Sunday, November 16, 2008

Horizontal Snow and JAZZ

So this weekend the fall/winter has gone into full swing.  I had to track through horizontal rain yesterday to our matinee, which was then broken by the roaring sound of "DEAD OR ALIVE."  If the gents hadnt been enjoying Jameson and Jazz at FAT FISH BLUE til the wee hours, i would have actually remembered that there is a tribute to LES PAUL this week.

There are rumors that PAul McCartney was coming in, Ricky Sambora, and a bunch of others.  Could i call out to see a tribute concert?  The answer: not without getting written up probably.

Then this morning I woke up to the sight of horizontal snow. Thats right, the lake effect has begun. Somebody told me that snow actually comes up---to which i say poopoo on your theories.  It may blow around but it isnt coming up.
Maybe Cleveland just prefers its weather at a horizontal level.......well the 1st OFFICIAL BROADWAY PAJAMA SUNDAY will tell the tale. my quick change station in the lobby.


A Guy Getting By said...

Just saw the matinee today (compliments of Nathan Gehan... THANK YOU, NATHAN!) and have to say "BRAVO!" We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.... what a wonderful cast! We're still humming tunes, quoting lines and can't get enough!

Enjoy your stay in Cleveland and hopefully the snow won't bee too daunting!

Take care!
Paula and Mark Halford
Chardon, Ohio

car0727 said...

I saw that you said that some of you had a fun time at Fat Fish Blue. If you're looking for some other places to go downtown that are fun you should go to the Corner Alley. It's right down Euclid on East 4th. It's got bowling :) and pool tables. Fun times all around...I love it there but then I'm a dork that loves bowling. Enjoy your last week in Cleveland!!

GG said...

I saw yesterday's matinee. I loved the show; the cast had so much energy and I really enjoyed the fresh perspectives everyone brought to their characters.

I was surprised by the vast age divide in the audience. Everyone was either over 55 years old, or under 25. Who knew Legally Blonde brought out the older folks?