Sunday, August 31, 2008



Its official--we have run the show for the first time. We ran through the show semi backwards--with the 2nd act first followed by the opening and it wasn't as rough as it could have been.  We did stop and start a bit, going back to fix things. But, even with understudies subbing in ( due to Ven's matinee and others having DR appts and costume fittings), it was not bad.

Next week, we will start running the show every day.  But, at different times so to keep it fresh and real (much like Oprah keeps it real and not like Tyra keeps it real).  Its kind of frightening to think that we are a week away from heading to RI for tech madness.  But, i guess it was inevitable.

Also, I should let you know who is spearheading this puppy. First off, Jerry Mitchell is Directing and Choreographing again.  Denis Jones is Asst Choreographing again, with Nick Kenkel from the Bway company coming in to work some hip-hop moves that he helped put together. And, Mark Bruni is Ass. Directing again. You can see all beautiful spirits below- as well as our Production Stage Manager Tom Bartlett in the background.

Some questions have been asked through the emails: so thought i would answer them.

1. Yes, Ven Daniels is doing the Bway show and rehearsals at the same time
2. Yes Lauren and Rhiannon are both in the show
3. Yes this is an Equity (union) tour
and lastly
4. Yes I will include more pics from rehearsals. It is hard to take pics while I am in certain scenes, but I will see what magic I can pull.

Also, stay tuned for a little heart to heart with the infamous leader of this mammoth musical. Thats right, Mein Capitan Jerry Mitchell. I think it may happen over Mojitos as we bask in the sandbox on his balcony.  IT may even be on video......

Have a good holiday weekend ya'll.......


Azuah; said...

your humane society picture actually links to a Chinese restaurant in Atlanta..haha

Anonymous said...

Is the window scene from OMG you guys completely cut?? cuz i always look forward to that