Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pics of Understudies and more.......

I forgot two things, as always seems to be the case lately. Friday night we all trekked over to TOWN, on 8th and U, and the glorious NATALIE JOY JOHNSON gave a cabaret to defy all odds. She was mesmerizing, as always if you have ever seen her in concert. The sound system was not keeping up with the demands of the space, but thank god for operatic training. She wrapped up the 8 show set with ROLLING, alongside the 3 Dragqueens that normally frequent on the weekends. in a word ...........GLORIOUS!!!!!!

So i thought it would be fun to put on a few pics.....

First off is Jenkins in this heinous wig....

Jay as a DELTA NU...

Our Wig Mistress
is MEMORY from CATS....

Andreas as

And Mamie as


Jen said...

I know people have been talking crap about the blog, especially on BWW, but I wanted to thank you for keeping us all updated. I love all the pictures, reviews, etc. and love coming on here to see a new blog!!

Azuah; said...

man, now the only understudy I'm dying to hear about is Tally going on as Emmett. I hope if it happens, he can go on when Lauren does!

Azuah; said...

man, now the only understudy I'm dying to hear about is Tally going on as Emmett. I hope if it happens, he can go on when Lauren does!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Nick! I obviously know why understudies go on, but what's the reason for what you call the Switcheroos? Keep it up with the blogs, they're lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

DUDE. You should post pictures more often! I am TOTES jelly that she is wearing ORFEH'S clothes! Oh my God!

I'm excited for all of the people that get to see Laura and Lauren! Let them know that I wish them major "break a leg!"s, lol.

Laura Shirey said...

I love this blog! It's such an awesome update! So how do you like the Michigan weather? It's sooo cold